Aoga Fa'aSamoa Resources

The A’oga Fa’a Samoa is an immersion Samoan early childhood centre situated at Richmond Road Primary School in Central Auckland. Samoan children who attend the Centre come from a wide range of geographical area in Auckland. The A'oga Fa'a Samoa links closely with Mua i Malae, the Samoan Bilingual Unit in Richmond Road Primary School.

Contact Details:

Physical Location:

113 Richmond Road

Postal Address:

c/o Richmond Road Primary School
113 Richmond Road
New Zealand

Phone: + 64 9 378 0403

Mo nisi fa'amatalaga, fa'afesootai:
A’oga Fa'a Samoa, 113 Richmond Road,

Telefoni: +64 9 378 0403


A Brief History.

  • 1984 - The A’oga Fa’a Samoa was the first Pacific Island Language Early Child hood Centre to be established in New Zealand. It was initially located at the Pacific Island Resource Centre in Herne Bay. As access to this venue was difficult owing to poor public transport access, the A’oga Fa’a Samoa approached Richmond Road Primary School in search of available space for the Early Childhood Centre to operate from. At the time Richmond Road Primary School already had a Bilingual Samoan class in operation, and a Kohanga Reo established. They were thus keen to assist the A’oga Fa'a Samoa to transfer to the school so as to provide a means for children to have Samoan language continuance.
  • 1987 - In 1987 the A’oga Fa'a Samoa moved premises to Richmond Road Primary School, and became the first chartered and licensed Pacific Island Early Childhood Centre.
  • 1991 - Due to increased rolls and parental demand in 1991, the A’oga Fa'a Samoa changed from sessional to full-day care and education. The original prefabricated building was extended to provide extra storage and office space, and a work area for teachers.
  • 1994 - Ever increasing rolls saw yet another extension to the main prefab building which was extended further to make more room for children's activities.Further additions included a new kitchen, toilet, and wash area.
  • 1999 - To cater for a large waiting list and growing demand from the community to provide quality care and education for children under two years old, funding from the Ministry of Education enabled us to build another extension to our Centre specifically for the Under Twos. The A.S.B Trust granted further funding to equip this new area so providing a quality learning and care area.
  • 2004 - A new work and training room for Aoga Fa'aSamoa teachers and staff was completed early in 2004. The room provides a facility for staff and visiting educationalists to engage in professional developmental activities as well as research and special projects involving the Aoga Fa'a Samoa. The A’oga is currently Licensed for 50 children (34 Over Two, and 16 Under Two
  • 2006 - An exploratory bank was developed in the play area.
  • 2007 - The over two building was renovated to include a new foyer and entrance area, a new shower, toilet and laundry area.

Management and Consultation.

The A’oga Fa’a Samoa is an Incorporated Society with a Management Committee who meet on a regular basis to make decisions on policy and the overall running of the A’oga.

Komiti Fa'atonu (Komiti Fa'afoe)
O le Komiti Faatonu o le Aoga ua filifilia mai Matua ma Faiaoga e tusa ai ma le Faavae. E faia fono a le Komiti i masina uma, ma fa'alauiloa ana fa'aiuga e ala i tusitusiga fa'asalalau ma po fa'apitoa mo Matua

The A’oga Fa’a Samoa meets regularly with the Principal of Richmond Road Primary School and Ritimana Kohanga Reo, on the general progress of the Centre, who in turn support and advise on any area that impact on the wider school area.

The A’oga Fa’a Samoa also uses the Ministry of Education and also other agencies for advice and support.

The A'oga Fa'a Samoa is a member of Te Rito Maioha ( ECNZ), ) and receives updated information regarding regulations and policies for Early Childhood Education and Care. The A'oga Senior teacher is the Pasifika rep for their Council, and thus is able to support other Early Childhood Centres regarding quality standards in Early Childhood.

The A’oga provides a venue for Samoan students attending ECNZ to come in and observe and practice in the Centre. The teachers work closely with the tertiary institutions who. have students on placement with them at A'oga Fa'a Samoa. 

The Aoga Fa'a Samoa private facebook page is used for communicating  with parents. Special events are posted on this.

Fa'atulagaga o le A'oga.

Faafaileleina o le Gagana Samoa.

Auili'iliga o le Pitonu'u.

O le pitonuu ua iloga ai ni itu eseese ua tulai manino mai ai. Ua aofia ai lanu, aganuu, gagana, lotu eseese faapea foi galuega. Ua i ai foi e nonofo taitoatasi ma aiga lautele ma faalapotopotoga o tagata eseese.

Ua iloga lelei foi se eseseega i le tamaoaiga ma aoaoga e pei ona i ai le toatele ua le lava taoso i le tamaoaiga poo aoaoga.

Ona o le faatupulaia o le tau o fanua ma fale i ni nai tausaga e lei mamao atu ua avea lea ma ala o le faaitiitia o tagata Polenisia talavou ua nofoia lenei pitonuu.

O faafitauli tau le tamaoaiga na ala ai ona tuua e nisi o aiga pitonuu ma ua nofoia e aiga toaititi poo ulugalii e leai ni fanau poo e e lei fai aiga.

O le faitauaofai o le aoga e mafuli atu lava i tamaiti Polenesia. E ui lava ina o loo siisii pea le tau o le soifuaga ma o le toatele lava o alo ma fanau e aofia i lalo o aiga e le o lava tamaoaiga i le itu tau tupe, le faigaluega faafitauli ua aliai mai i lona tulaga aoao o le pitonuu ua aofia ai se aofaiga o tagatanuu eseese. Ua i ai lava a latou pulega ma aiaiga ua i ai ni vaega ua tuu faatasi ona o ni taumafaiga faapitoa o loo taumafai i ai. O nisi ua aofia ona o tapuaiga o lotu e pei ona i ai tagata o le Pasifika. Ua i ai foi e tutoatasi. O loo i ai foi e o loo mafuta i se vaitaimi o le tausaga e faavae i luga o taalaoga ma aganu'u i nofoaga ua fa'aavanoa mo ia fuafuaga.


Commitment to High Quality.

NZCA Premium Quality Centre.
The A’oga Fa'a Samoa recently took part in a trial to be assessed as a quality Centre by N.Z.C.A. completing all aspects and so have become registered as a ‘Premium Quality Centre.’ The A’oga also receives quality funding from the Ministry of Education.

A Centre of Innovation (COI).
In 2003, the A'oga Fa'a Samoa was chosen by the Ministry of Education as one of six Centres of Innovation nationwide. Follow this link to find our more about the A'oga Fa'a Samoa's COI involvement .

Professional and Qualified Staff.
The A’oga Fa’a Samoa is committed to providing quality care and education for the children that attend and so have supported the staff to become fully trained. There are currently twelve teachers registered, seven with degrees in teaching ECE and one with a postgraduate qualification. Staff train through Te Tari Puna Ora / NZCA as the field-based training that they provide best suits the philosophy of the centre.


The philosophy of the A’oga Fa’a Samoa is to promote Samoan language and culture so as to nurture positive identity of the children.

Tofa Manino
A’oa’oina o le gagana ma aganu’u a Samoa, ina ia tuputupu a’e le tamaititi e mautinoa lona fa'asinomaga. E fa’amalosia le fa'alauteleina o le a’oa’oga o faia'oga ina ia lelei le a'oa'oina o tamaiti. E lagolagoina le mafutaga fa’ale’aiga i totonu o le A'oga mo matua ma fanau, e ala i le tausia lelei ma le alofagia o tamaiti. E fa'amamafaina le fiafia o tamaiti e a'oa'oina, e ala i le fa'aaogaina o le gagana Samoa

The A’oga Fa’a Samoa works closely with Mua i Malae, the Samoan Bilingual Unit of Richmond Road School, sharing in school assemblies, extension activities with A'oga four year olds, using the school library. This allows for easy transition into Richmond Road Primary School as they become familiar with staff, children and thus feel secure in the whole school environment.

The reputation of the A’oga Fa'a Samoa for providing quality standards and knowledge of language and culture to the children attending is widely known and reinforced by the Educational Review Office.

The fact that the children are able to carry their language on through to Primary School is very desirable to parents. This is also important to the Primary School as they are then able to maintain roll numbers, and involve the older students in caring for younger children, which is part of the Richmond Road Primary School philosophy of Family Grouping.

Partnerships with Community & Health Services.

The A’oga Fa’a Samoa works closely with the Samoan Community in resourcing both staff and parents in health and social issues. Health Professionals used include Plunket and District nurses, Asthma advisers, Cervical screening, Immunisation and sexual abuse advisers, plus ear and dental nurses. The A’oga occasionally provides Samoan language classes for adults, and/or work experience training and Job Plus schemes.

License and Hours of Operation.

The A’oga Fa'a Samoa is currently Licenced for 50 children: 34 over-two's, and 16 under two's.

The centre opens for attendance at 8.00am and closes at 5.00pm.

Aso ma Itula le A'oga Fa'a Samoa
Aso Gafua e tau i le aso Faraile.Taimi amata: 8.00 i le taeao. Taimi fa'aiu: 5.00.

Children must attend for a minimum of two days so that language and learning needs can be catered for.

All absences must be reported to the Supervisor before 8.30 am.

Children who are booked on a regular basis will be charged for statutory holidays. Childcare subsidy forms are available at the Centre for fee assistance from Work & Income New Zealand.

20 hours fee is offered to all three and four year old children.

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