Aoga Fa'aSamoa Resources

Our Philosophy.

The A’oga Fa’a Samoa will promote Samoan Language and Culture so nurturing the positive identity of the children. The A’oga will provide a warm caring stimulating environment for children to learn in a positive way.

The A’oga Fa’a Samoa will employ trained staff and encourage further training of staff so that quality care and education is provided at all times.

The A’oga Fa’a Samoa encourages a family atmosphere for parents and children so children will not feel threatened but secure and loved. The A’oga will give positive guidance towards promoting appropriate behaviour as set out in our management practices.

The emphasis at the A’oga is on enjoyment of learning through the medium of the Samoan Language.



O le A’oga Fa’a Samoa o le taumafai e aoaoina le gagana Samoa ina ia tutupu ae tamaiti ma le mitamita ma fia iloa le gagana Samoa.

O le a taumafai le A’oga ina ia maua se nofoaga aoga e vaavaaia ma tausia lelei ai tamiti ile alofa ina ia faafaigofie ai ona iloa ma aoaoina i latou a o tuputupu ae.

O le a fa'afaigaluega e le A’oga ni tagata ua lava lo latau tomai ma ua agava'a i le aoaoina le tausiga ma le va'ava'aia o tamaiti. E mo'omia e lenei a'oga se faleaoga e fiafia tamaiti ma o latou matua e o mai ia ai ona pei o se aiga.

O le a fa'aaoao atu foi i tamaiti ni uiga lelei ma tu e tatau ai e pei o le agaga tonu ma le fa'avae o lenei A’oga. O le fa'auluuluga lava ma le fa'amoemoe o le A’oga o le faafiafiaina lea ma le fa'amalosi i tamaiti i aoaoga e ala lea i le fa'aaogaina.

Curriculum & Programme.

The curriculum includes all of the activities and events that take place in the Centre. It promotes the physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual and cultural development of young children, and responds to all the needs of the aiga.

Mataupu A’oa’oina
Mataupu uma o lo’o aoaoina i le A’oga. E fa’atauaina le tuputupu a’e o tamaiti, i le tino, le mafaufau, le loto, o le va feso’ota’i, ola fa’aleagaga, ma le aganu’u

The programme and environment allows for gross and fine motor - play, encourages cognitive development and language skills for all children. Te Whariki is used for all programming, the goals and aims are incorporated into all activities. Individual programmes are determined after observations of the child and consultation at staff meetings. These are incorporated into the long term and daily plans


The Management Committee consists of a Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Staff Rep, and three parent representatives. Management meets on a regular basis. Parent teacher meetings are held at least once a term where Management updates parents with current happenings. Notices are sent home on a regular basis and are also written on the whiteboard at the A’oga.

O le fa'alapotopotoga a matua ua ai le Komiti Faafoe e pei: Taitaifono, Failautusi, Teutupe, Sui e tolu o matua o tamaiti, Licencee / Supervisor, ma le sui o faiaoga

Settling in.

A parent or caregiver is required to spend time at the Centre with their child before the child may be left on their own. This enables the parent or caregiver and the child to become familiar with Centre routines, staff and children. When the child is comfortable and confident then he / she can be left. The A’oga Fa’a Samoa encourages families to become involved at the Centre and parents and family are always welcome to stay and participate.

Taimi Fa'atoamalie.

E maua le avanoa mo matua ina ia fa’atoamalieina ma faamasani tamiti fou i le A’oga ma Faia’oga

Transition into school.

The A’oga Fa’a Samoa works closely with the Samoan Bilingual Unit at Richmond Road School. One morning per week the four year old children spend one hour with the Samoan Bilingual Class, Year 1. A staff member from the A’oga accompanies the group of four year olds. The A’oga children use the school library and join in weekly assemblies in the school hall. This ensures children can move easily into the Primary School area and enables Samoan language continuance into the Samoan Bilingual Unit..

So'otaga ma le A'oga Tulagalua.

E taua le so’otaga ma le Aoga Tulagalua, Richmond Road Primary School. E fa'aaogaina malae ta'alo, fale tusi ma le fale mafutaga a lea lava a'oga. E fa'aauauina le aoaoina o le Gagana Samoa i se vasega fa'apitoa mo lea fa'amoemoe i le A'oga Tulagalua. E i ai taimi fa'aavanoaina mo asiasiga i le vasega Fa'asamoa i Richmond Road Primary School, Mua i Malae.

A'oga Fa'a Samoa Staff.

The A’oga Fa’a Samoa employs trained staff or staff that are in-training as part of a strategy to ensure that quality care and education is provided to all children. Where staff are untrained, ongoing personal development is encouraged. Whole development is done through educational agencies contracted to deliver staff development. As part of their personal development, Aoga Fa'aSamoa staff are encouraged to extend their qualifications in Early Childhood Education, and also to participate in national and international professional forums, attend conferences, present papers and facilitate workshops.

Staff work with small groups of children, moving with them from when they enter the A'oga through to their transition out of the A'oga and into the adjacent School, Richmond Road Primary. This allows a close bond to develop between staff, child and familty; encouraging security and understanding both within the child as well as the staff member. Benefits experienced from this approach include seamless and smooth transition processes into the over two area and later into primary school, extension of learning and Samoan language continuance and development.

O Itu Lelei ma le Taua

  • Ia maua e tamaiti le loto fiafia ma mautinoa o i latou o Samoa i totonu o Niu Sila.
  • O faia'oga agava’a ma saunia lelei, ma le toaititi o tamaiti e fa'atatau mo faiaoga.
  • Fa'asalalauina o fa'aiuga ma mea e tutupu e ala i fa'asilasilaga tusitusia.
  • Fa'afaigofieina o le so'otaga ma le Aoga Tulagalua, mo le fa'aauauina o le a'oa'oina o le Gagana Samoa.
  • A'oa'oina o tamaiti i se tau maualalo.

Parental Participation.

Parentswhose children attend the A'oga Fa'a Samoa have an obligation to:

  1. Recognise that there is a need for parents and
    caregivers to learn the Samoan language.
  2. Ensure that the child is at the A’oga by 9.00am for Lotu.
  3. Attend parent-teacher meetings on a regular
  4. Assist with fund raising for the A’oga.
  5. Update enrolment forms when any change of
    address or phone number occurs.



Children will be supplied with morning and afternoon tea. Parents are asked to help by bringing a piece of fruit to share each day. A cooked lunch is provided each day.



E lua faleaoga. O le fale mo pepe i lalo ifo o le lua tausaga, ma le fale mo tamaiti i luga atu o le lua tausaga. E i ai foi le potu fa'apitoa e tu'u ai komipiuta e lima. E i ai le umukuka ma le kuka e saunia mea ai, o le ti o le taeao ma le afiafi, ma le aiga tele i le aoauli (12 pm). E i ai le malae ta'alo tele e tamomoe ai ma fa'amalositino. E i ai le oneone e ta'aalo ai. E i ai potu e momoe ai, ma le potu e sui ai.


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